

Make Your Dreams Your Reality

People tend to hear the term vision boards and not completely understand the concept.  The purpose of creating a vision board is to help you stay focused on your goals and what you want to manifest in your life.  You can be as creative and as detailed as you want to be when creating your board.  The key to making a...[ read more ]

Take A Stand Against Bullying

Bullying in South Florida and everywhere is a major issue in today’s society.  In the past, bullying was taken lightly and the adage “Kids will be kids” was applied.  Today, bullying is taken very seriously and rightfully so.  Even though society as a whole is becoming more tolerant of people different than themselves, certain people are at a higher risk...[ read more ]

Breaking Through: Overcoming Childhood Trauma

Overcoming Childhood Trauma. Childhood trauma comes in all forms.  It includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, poverty, robberies, car accidents, physical illness, death and much more.  Webster’s Dictionary defines trauma as the following: a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time.  Symptoms of trauma include, but...[ read more ]

Healthy Living: Be the Best YOU!

Have you noticed that there is a paradigm shift towards healthy living?  Look around on Facebook, if you can skip over the puppy videos, you will notice a lot of people are talking about being healthy.  Being healthy can mean something different to everyone.  Being healthy might mean physically, emotionally or spiritually. We’ve gathered our experts and asked them to...[ read more ]

Change Your Mindset and Outlook Using Positive Affirmations

Just like any other task you start, in the beginning using positive affirmations may feel strange.  You may not believe the new thoughts you are using to replace the old negative self talk that has been around for so long.   Positive affirmations are used to help redirect our negative thoughts and to help restructure our brains so we can have a...[ read more ]

It Takes a Village: How to Love an Addict

Sometimes we can’t choose whom we love and sometimes that person is an addict.  It might be a parent, child, significant other, sibling or another family member.  In some situations, the only way to really have a healthy relationship with someone addicted to drugs or alcohol is to have no relationship because it’s too hard watching what they do to...[ read more ]

Overcoming Anxiety: A Collection of Techniques to Reduce Your Anxieties

This week, we are featuring an amazing group of therapists and their top recommendations to reduce anxiety.  One of the main reasons people seek our therapy is to learn better ways to cope with anxiety. Feelings of nervousness and fear impact almost everyone.  It’s common to feel scared or anxious in life.  When anxiety becomes overwhelming, that’s when people tend...[ read more ]

Before you say I DO

Each week, we have decided to bring you a blogpost topic and have a group of therapists and mental health professionals give you their feedback. This week’s topic is “Issues To Discuss With Your Partner Before You Get Married”.   Read what our leading experts have to say about getting to know your significant other before you get married. #1...[ read more ]

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are typically developed during childhood.  Events take place, we hear things from our parents, teachers, or other adults and develop a belief system that carries into our adulthood.  The beliefs can be, I'm not good enough, I'm not lovable, I'm not worthy, etc.  When we have these limiting beliefs they stop of us from truly living, sometimes out...[ read more ]

Five Things To Do Today to Brighten Your Mood

              We all get into funks.  It could be situational, based on things going on in your life.  It could be based on the weather.  It is common for people to feel more depressed or sad during the winter months, especially when it is dark and gloomy outside.  As the season begins to transition...[ read more ]

5400 S University Drive, Suite 308
Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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