

Understanding PSSD: The Hidden Side Effect of SSRIs and SNRIs

Many people often seek a quick solution for anxiety or depression, and physicians and psychiatrists are frequently quick to prescribe medication without fully warning about the potential side effects or emphasizing that medication alone does not change the way we think. While medications can be a crucial component of treatment, they may not be as effective in the long term...[ read more ]

Understanding Sexual Dissociation: Reclaiming Sexuality for Women Who Feel Objectified

Sexual dissociation is a complex and challenging issue that many women face, particularly those who have felt objectified and have come to see sex as a means to an end. This blog aims to shed light on this phenomenon and offer a path toward healing and reclaiming one’s sexual self. For many women, the experience of sex can become disconnected...[ read more ]

12 Signs You Might Be Autistic

Have you ever wondered whether you could possibly be autistic? Autism spectrum disorder (often referred to as “autism”) is a neurological and developmental disorder that can impact how someone learns, communicates, behaves, and interacts with others. Autism symptoms can vary from one person to another and change over time, and only a trained professional can accurately diagnose you with this...[ read more ]

How to Emotionally Survive a Divorce

Divorce is often one of the most difficult experiences that a person can go through. In many cases, it requires you to leave your family home, lose contact with couple friends, and miss out on time with your children. And it almost always involves losing someone that you once loved, as well as the future you had imagined having together.Despite...[ read more ]

3 Tips for Starting a Self-Care Routine

You’ve probably heard of “self-care Sunday,” a recent trend that involves devoting one day a week to nourishing your mind and body. Whether you want to start practicing self-care on Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays—or every day—good for you! Depending on the practices you adopt, self-care can boost your mental and emotional health, enhance your physical health, strengthen your relationships, and improve...[ read more ]

5 Summer Activities That Can Boost Your Mental Health

The sun’s out, the temperature is rising, and… you’re feeling depressed. While people typically experience the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the fall and winter months, this condition can also cause some individuals to feel depressed in the spring and summer. Whether you have SAD or you’re feeling depressed for another reason, here are five activities you should...[ read more ]

What Is High-Functioning Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (commonly referred to as just “autism”) is a developmental and neurological disorder that can impact how someone behaves, communicates, interacts, and learns. Although the term “high-functioning autism” isn’t an official medical diagnosis, it’s commonly used in reference to autistic people who can speak, read, write, and perform life skills with minimal assistance. The medical community previously used...[ read more ]

Who Is Most Vulnerable to Anorexia?

According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), approximately 9% of the U.S. population will have an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. One of the most common eating disorders is anorexia nervosa (often referred to as just “anorexia”). Below, we explain what anorexia is and who may be most vulnerable to it.What Is...[ read more ]

How to Tell Someone Your Boundaries

So, you’ve decided that it’s time to set some boundaries in your life. Good for you! Boundaries are essential to maintaining relationships with friends, family members, and coworkers, as they can help build trust and respect. Once you’ve decided what your boundaries are, the next step will be communicating them to those around you. Here are some tips for how...[ read more ]

What Are the 5 Stages of PTSD?

You’ve likely heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that can cause someone to experience anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, and other symptoms after living through a traumatic event. But did you know that the mental health community commonly divides PTSD into five stages? They are:Impact – This stage occurs immediately after someone experiences a traumatic event. The person...[ read more ]

5400 S University Drive, Suite 308
Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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