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Immigration Psychological Evaluations

Immigration Psychological Evaluations in Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Coral Springs, Wellington, Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens & Online

Caring Therapists offers assessment and evaluation for immigration purposes.  Our evaluations are typically completed when you are seeking a waiver from citizenship for mental health services.  Our Immigration Evaluations include meeting with a Licensed Professional and will include an extensive evaluation related to the immigrant’s mental health concerns, especially related to immigration.  We routinely evaluate and assess: trauma, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, PTSD and a variety of other issues.

We will work closely with your Immigration lawyer to ensure your evaluation is completed accurately.  Immigration evaluations are generally used for spousal case, extreme hardship, and political asylum cases.

For more information on waivers, please visit here.

During your evaluation, you will meet with one of our licensed professionals.  You will provide information regarding your current circumstances and how your immigration status is affecting your mental health.  We will provide you with a battery of assessments to complete.  You may be recommended to attend counseling.  We will provide you with follow-up recommendations to help you treat your mental health issues.

Our team has been working closely with local lawyers to help the needs of our clients.  We can communicate with your lawyer and provide all necessary reports, paperwork and information to them.  Not everyone will qualify for a waiver.

Los terapeutas de Caring Therapists of Broward ofrecen evaluación para fines de inmigración. Nuestras evaluaciones se completan normalmente cuando usted está buscando una renuncia de la ciudadanía para los servicios de salud mental. Nuestras evaluaciones de inmigración incluyen la reunión con un profesional licenciado e incluirán una evaluación extensa relacionada con las preocupaciones de salud mental del inmigrante. Nosotros evaluamos rutinariamente: trauma, trastorno depresivo mayor, trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, trastorno de estrés postraumático y una variedad de otros temas.

Trabajaremos de cerca con su abogado de Inmigración para asegurar que su evaluación se complete con precisión. Las evaluaciones de inmigración se usan generalmente para casos de cónyuge, casos de extrema dificultad y casos de asilo político.

Para obtener más información, visite aquí.

Para una evaluación de inmigración, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 954-378-5381 o

Durante su evaluación, se reunirá con uno de nuestros profesionales licenciados. Usted proporcionará información sobre sus circunstancias actuales y cómo su estado migratorio está afectando su salud mental. Le proporcionaremos una batería de evaluaciones para completar. Se le puede recomendar que asista a un consejo. Le proporcionaremos recomendaciones de seguimiento para ayudarle a tratar sus problemas de salud mental.

Nuestro equipo ha estado trabajando estrechamente con abogados locales para ayudar a las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Podemos comunicarnos con su abogado y proporcionar todos los informes necesarios, papeleo e información a ellos. No todos calificarán para una exención.

What are the requirements?

Psychological evaluations  are  required in immigration court to assess extreme hardship. They are needed when a family member is experiencing psychological trauma when a loved one has to leave the country due to problems with legal status.  The psychological assessment helps the court understand the  negative consequences of splitting families. Consequences may be emotional, physical, educational, financial, and social,

To obtain a assessment, clients and their attorneys need to understand some key issues that are not often clear. Not all mental health professionals are qualified to conduct psychological evaluations for immigration courts. Many families in urgent distress have lost time and many working with well-meaning professionals who do not understand the issues at hand and who are not qualified to produce a report that the courts will accept.

What Kind of Testing is Involved?

The majority of your psychological evaluation with our team will be a clinical interview. Some patients find this interview intimidating, but you should just think about this as a relaxed talk with a caring professional. In order to gather the information we need to provide USCIS and your legal counsel, we may need to visit with you over the course of three or more one hour sessions. The number of meetings will really depend on the complexity of your case. Because you’re seeking asylum or hardship immigration, we’ll want to take the time to discuss any past trauma. It’s important that we be able to help you evaluate and begin to address traumatic experiences. We will also discuss any past psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. We want to help patients receive the appropriate ongoing care. We also discuss your current living situation and plans for the future as well as any friends, family, or other support systems you have in place to help you successfully immigrate. This may include discussing future employment and/or education plans. The goal of this part of your clinical evaluation is to help you plan to handle stresses that may arise during your transition. During the clinical interview process, the role of your clinician is to collect necessary information for any of your legal documentation. We’ll also assess any potential roadblocks to your safe and successful immigration, and help you address them. We will also directly tackle any concerns that can arise during these discussions and provide you with the techniques to continue working through emotional responses that may arise. In addition to this clinical interview, you will also be asked to complete some questionnaires that will use rating scales to help gain further understanding of your emotional and mental processes. These scales as well as the information gathered during your clinical interviews will be used to create the report that we provide to your legal counsel as part of your immigration process. It will take four weeks for our clinicians to complete these reports.

To schedule an Immigration Evaluation, please contact our office at 954-378-5381 for Broward and 561-223-1066 for Palm Beach or email us at

Appointment Request

For adults, we specialize in depression, anxiety, trauma, couples counseling, college students, psychological testing, women’s issues, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

For children and teens, we specialize in play therapy, anxiety, depression, mood management, ADHD, ADHD evaluations, trauma therapy, gifted evaluations, teen counseling and social skills therapy.

We service all of Broward County, including Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Hollywood, Cooper City, Davie, Plantation, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs, and Weston.

We service all of Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Wellington, Royal Palm Beach & Palm Beach Gardens, including Wellington, Sunrise,  Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, Loxahatchee, Boynton Beach, Westlake, and Lake Worth.