Time to Prioritize 


Time to Prioritize 

When we feel like we have too much to do and don’t know where to start, it can definitively create a spark of anxiety. One of the best ways to check tasks off our to-do list is to prioritize tasks. Prioritizing is designating each task a level of importance.  Think of 3 things on your “Things to Do” list that...[ read more ]

5 Ways to be a Better Friend to your Partner

As a couples therapist I often hear complaints about the “spark” being gone from the relationship. The “spark” in a relationship can translate to a number of things, it changes over time and with life’s circumstances. The one thing that keeps successful couples coming back to each other and making it work is a solid friendship. Friendship often gets couples...[ read more ]

Acceptance in Times of Uncertainty

I’ve always had an incorrect understanding of acceptance. My biggest lesson on acceptance came after a major breakup last year. I was heartbroken, I was mostly hurt because things did not go as I envisioned them. I saw myself growing old and forming a family with this person, and then I was left to deal with my emotions and unmet...[ read more ]

Are You and Your Partner on the Same Page about the Pandemic? 

Needless to say, living in the current epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic comes with its share of challenges, and added stress at home. Many of our homes have become offices, schools, daycares, summer camps, theaters, and restaurants, and we are multitasking all the time. We have been spending more and more time with the people we live with, which sounds...[ read more ]

The Anxiety of Emerging

You can relate The Mock Turtle’s rhyme: ‘Will you, won’t you…will you join the dance’ to our real-time need of rejoining life, using caution and safety. Many of us, though, have increased anxiety, and stress. How then to move forward? Mostly, accept the emotions, and learn how to feel anxiety – step outside yourself and experience the emotion. Use self-calming...[ read more ]

Grieving Educators

As we are finishing up this virtual school semester, most of us are jumping for joy. This signifies the end of balancing working from home while keeping our children on track with their classes. Not only does this time bring an end to this stressful chapter, but it brings a multitude of emotions for us all. For the educators that...[ read more ]

Are you experiencing quarantine fatigue?

Fatigue has become a topic of discussion during recent therapy sessions. Several clients, myself included, have noticed that fatigue levels have increased, and many even have added “but I am not doing anything… I don’t get it.” Honestly, I did not get it either. It took me a couple of weeks to realize what was going on in my body....[ read more ]

So, your child has anxiety…

Many of the children I see of late are suffering from anxiety. Many more of their parents are confused as to why they’re anxious. That’s the thing about anxiety - there is no definite reason as to why someone has anxiety. It can be triggered by a big event or a buildup of smaller stressful life situations - for example,...[ read more ]

Black Therapists for your Child

“Do black people really come to therapy and tell you their business?” “Are there a lot of black therapists out there?” These are a few questions I get asked a lot. While I understand the desire to have a therapist of color for your child (especially if you are of color), it may not always be possible. I have previously...[ read more ]

Let Them Play

If you walk into Target or Walmart they have entire sections, devoted to children’s toys. I’m certain you have said or heard someone tell their child, “put that down. You can’t play all day.” I am here to tell you, let your child play. Playing has many benefits. It can promote family bonding, if the family engages in a game...[ read more ]

5400 S University Drive, Suite 308
Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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