Coping With Grief After Losing a Friendship

Coping With Grief After Losing a Friendship

People often tend to place more significance on the loss of a romantic relationship than they do on the loss of a friendship. But in many cases, losing a friendship can be more difficult than losing a significant other, especially if the friendship had lasted for many years. With romantic relationships, we usually know that there’s always the possibility of a breakup, but we typically imagine friendships lasting forever. So when we have a falling-out with a friend, it can take a considerable toll on our mental health.

Tips for Coping With the Loss of a Friendship

If you’ve recently lost a friend, it’s important that you treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Make sure to:

  • Eat a nutritious diet
  • Exercise
  • Get plenty of sleep each night
  • Take time for self-care

While no one can replace the friend you lost, you should try to surround yourself with loved ones who will make you feel less alone. If you and your friend had talked about going to see the latest movie, go with another friend or family member instead. If you always spent time together on Friday nights, find another weekly hobby. You’ll probably continue to grieve the loss of your friendship for quite a while, but with time, you’ll realize that you can still lead a happy and fulfilled life.

Start Moving Forward From Your Loss

Losing a friend can be very difficult, but a therapist who specializes in healing from loss can make the coping process much easier. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you move on from your grief.

My name is Lindsey, and I am a transplant from New Jersey but have always been a Floridian at heart. I am a Registered Marriage and Family Therapy Intern that specializes working with adults experiencing anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, chronic pain, and major life changes. I also work with couples experiencing relationship distress and aim to help them find their way back to each other.

My passion and the reason I became a therapist is to work with adult adoptees, donor-conceived, DNA discoveries, and non-paternal event (NPE) individuals. My goal is to help this population navigate the sometimes complicated, post-adoption challenges such as family relationships, identity, reunion, secondary rejection, grief, anxiety, trauma, and life transitions. As an adoptee myself, I have a unique understanding of the challenges this population faces, and I am here to help navigate all that being adopted brings to our lives.

Learn more about Lindsey Kohn:

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