Why EMDR is a Helpful Treatment for Sexual Abuse Survivors


Why EMDR is a Helpful Treatment for Sexual Abuse Survivors

  In the United States, one in three women and one in six men will experience some form of sexual abuse in their lifetime, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). When sexual abuse happens, many people don’t know how to cope with the event or express their feelings in a healthy way. The result is a life of feeling...[ read more ]

When to Worry: Recognizing Signs of Trauma in Your Loved Ones

Over the past several years, there have been numerous traumatic events all across the country. From incidents of mass violence to devastating natural disasters, hundreds of thousands of Americans have experienced or witnessed a disastrous or life-threatening event. In addition to tragedies such as these, anyone who has experienced a shocking or dangerous incident (such as a car accident or...[ read more ]

4 Subtle Signs of Trauma: When You’re Dealing with More Than You Think

When you think about someone experiencing trauma, incidents such as a violent or sexual assault or a terrible car accident might come to mind. But there are other, subtler forms of trauma that can negatively affect our lives and hinder our relationships. Emotional trauma is often overlooked and minimized, and we may think we’ve “gotten over” some emotional pain that...[ read more ]

Why EMDR is Effective in Treating Trauma

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a therapeutic protocol used in the treatment of mental and emotional trauma. It has been widely praised in the United States and is currently used by agencies such as the American Psychiatric Association, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Those suffering from PTSD caused...[ read more ]

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, or EMDR, is a set of standardized protocols that incorporate elements from many different treatment approaches. It has been researched extensively and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. What Issues Can EMDR Treat? EMDR is used to treat a variety of mental health issues including: - Panic attacks - Complicated grief - Dissociative...[ read more ]

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Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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