Coping With Grief After Losing a Marriage, Engagement, or Dating Relationship

Coping With Grief After Losing a Marriage, Engagement, or Dating Relationship

Have you recently gone through a divorce, a broken engagement, or a breakup? The loss of a romantic relationship can be especially difficult because we spend so much time with our significant others, so a separation can impact many aspects of our lives and leave us feeling like our world has been turned upside down. Not only do we have to cope with missing them, but we also have to deal with the hassles of splitting up any shared property and possibly finding a new home. Plus, we must accept that the dreams we had of a future with that person are no longer a possibility.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to process your grief and move on from your relationship. For instance, you may want to try:

  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Talking to a therapist
  • Making time for self-care each day
  • Incorporating exercise into your daily routine
  • Starting a new hobby

As difficult as it may seem, try to look at your breakup as an opportunity to rediscover yourself and the things that make you who you are. For example, if you’ve always loved baking but you didn’t get to bake as often as you wanted during your relationship, try purchasing a new cookbook or signing up for a local cake decorating class.

Do You Need Help Healing From Loss?

If you’re having a hard time coping with the loss of a marriage, engagement, or dating relationship, one of the best ways to process your grief is to speak to a therapist. Contact us today and we can tell you more about our practice, answer any questions you might have, and schedule a therapy session.

Welcome! My name is Dr. Mazer, a Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern and Post Doctoral Psychology Resident. I help people through psychotherapy and psychoeducation recognize their strengths and identify growth edges where new insight and skills can be acquired. Whether you are struggling with your relationship with yourself or with those who matter the most to you, we will navigate the complexities of these dynamics to help you reach your therapy goals and the therapeutic outcomes you desire.

I am Gottman level 2 trained and use an integrative approach to couples therapy that is heavily influenced by Gottman research and methods. The Gottman Method is an evidence-based approach that helps couples improve their relationship by strengthening communication skills, learning practical skills to resolve conflicts in a mutually respectful way, and by increasing emotional intimacy and connection so that shared dreams, values, and goals can be realized and pursued.

When working with both couples and individuals I use a person centered approach which means that you will not be judged and that your agency is central to the process.

I also use a psychodynamic approach which means that we will look at your relationship and life experiences to better understand how you experience yourself and other people. This will help us better understand what you might be bringing to your relationships and what might be showing up for you, helping you, and maybe even holding you back.

I also use cognitive behavioral therapy to check out and address ways that your thinking might be influencing your feelings and relationship outcomes that are not working for you. We want your thinking to work for you not against you especially during times of stress.

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