How to Stay Active When Working from Home


How to Stay Active When Working from Home

Since the Covid lockdowns, more and more people have begun to work from home. While working remotely definitely has its benefits (wearing pajamas all day comes to mind), there are also some drawbacks. In addition to less social interaction each day, there’s also less movement. And this lack of movement can greatly impact your health and fitness level. If you’re...[ read more ]

5 Foods to Keep Your Immune System Strong

As the events of COVID-19 continue to unfold, many of us are focusing on how we can keep ourselves and our families as healthy as possible. While social distancing and increased hand washing can be very effective at stopping the spreading of the Corona virus, it is equally important to keep our immune systems strong. With this in mind, here...[ read more ]

Healthy Living: Be the Best YOU!

Have you noticed that there is a paradigm shift towards healthy living?  Look around on Facebook, if you can skip over the puppy videos, you will notice a lot of people are talking about being healthy.  Being healthy can mean something different to everyone.  Being healthy might mean physically, emotionally or spiritually. We’ve gathered our experts and asked them to...[ read more ]

5400 S University Drive, Suite 308
Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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