Creative Expressive Therapies for Kids and Teens


Creative Expressive Therapies for Kids and Teens

Life hasn’t been the same for any of us for over a year now. As we continue to try and adapt our lives to safely deal with this coronavirus, it has taken its toll on many, both financially and emotionally. Kids have been hit particularly hard during this time. Last year, many might have thought the idea of no school...[ read more ]

Back To School, Lets Get Talking!

By: Stacy Lloyd, MS, LMHC Starting a new school year brings a lot of excitement and changes. Students will have new classmates, teachers, after-school activities and new experiences. Parents are tasked with balancing the family’s schedules and helping their children navigate through many firsts. And let's be real, with fast paced changes in technology and social media, many of your...[ read more ]

How To Handle Back-to-School Worries

Hello parents! It is that time of year again...getting your kids ready for back to school! My name is Amanda Gurgel, LMHC specializing in working with adults, children, and teens for over 10 years. I wanted to provide helpful strategies to help you with this major transition of going back to school. As you go over your checklist of things...[ read more ]

5400 S University Drive, Suite 308
Davie, FL, 33328

420 S State Road 7 #108
Wellington, Florida 33414
(954) 378-5381

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